Unisex Elos Laser Hair Removal Device with Skin Rejuvenation Function – The Pioneer and Exclusive All-in-One Device.
The innovative Cooling Technology patented by Elos Me serves a multifaceted purpose: it effectively reduces the skin’s surface temperature during hair removal, alleviating swelling and discomfort induced by elevated temperatures. Simultaneously, it aids in skin recovery, swiftly minimizes pore size, promotes skin relaxation, and restores your skin to its natural state. The Lescolton/Elos Me Ice Effect Dual System transcends its role as a mere permanent hair removal device; it emerges as a comprehensive solution for skin rejuvenation as well. Featuring the Elos technology for enduring epilation with the ICE EFFECT function option, and coupled with the SR Light for revitalizing the skin, also with the ICE EFFECT function option, this machine stands as a unique market offering perfectly suited for both hair removal and skin rejuvenation needs.
Suitable for All Skin and Hair Types
The Elos Me technology is the only FDA-cleared Permanent Hair Reduction System that provides long-lasting results for all skin and hair tones. Our device is universally compatible with every hair color, including blonde, red, grey, and white hair, as well as all skin tones (although use at its maximum power level is not recommended for skin tone 6). The new Lescolton, powered by Elos Me, utilizes the expertise of professional Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) E-light technology, penetrating into pores and eliminating hair papilla, thus achieving a state of permanent hair removal.
Fast and Efficient Treatment
The high-speed capability allows you to complete a full-body treatment in just 30 minutes, covering areas such as arms, legs, bikini line, underarms, back, and chest. Remarkably, in most cases, over 74% of hair is affected within a span of just 2 months. With consistent use over 4-6 months, undesired hair becomes entirely eradicated. However, for individuals with blonde, red, or gray hair, achieving the desired outcomes will require a period of 8 to 10 months.
Operation Modes
The First and Only Hair Removal Device with 2 Operating Modes: Automatic and Manual. In the manual operation mode, the pulse must be triggered manually, as is the case with any standard permanent hair removal machine. In the automatic operation mode, the pulse is emitted automatically when the handpiece makes contact with the skin. Opting for the automatic operation results in a 30% faster efficiency compared to manual mode.
Technical Specifications
- Pulse Light Repetition Rate: Up to 1.1 Hz (1 pulse every 0.9 seconds).
- Hair Removal Wavelength Light Spectrum: 550 – 1200 nm.
- Hair Removal and Skin Rejuvenation Function (Selectable Usage Functionalities via LCD Screen).
- Lamp Window Size: 1.6 inches – 4 cm².
- Lamp Window Size of the Precision Unit for Facial Use: 0.79 inches – 2 cm².
- Maximum Power: 23 J/cm2.
- Energy Levels: 10 adjustable energy levels.
- One lamp with 400,000 Hair Removal Pulses and an additional 100,000 Skin Rejuvenation Pulses (Please note that the 100,000 skin rejuvenation pulses are not displayed on the machine’s LCD screen)
- Unlimited Pulse Guarantee: Free cartridge replacement during the 6-year warranty.
- Universal Voltage: 110-220V AC~50/60Hz <43W.
- Operates using Power Cord.
- Product Net Weight: 0,859lb – 390gr.
- Model: T012C.
Included With Your Purchase
- 6-year Warranty including Unlimited Pulses.
- Eye Protection.
- Free Shipping.
- 6-month Money-back Guarantee.
Important Shipping Information
For the safety of our shipments and to prevent potential theft, all orders are shipped with a Direct Signature Required policy. This means someone must be present at the delivery address to sign for the package.
If you would prefer your package to be left at your door without a signature, you may request this at your own responsibility by leaving a note in the Shipping Address field during checkout. Please be aware that by choosing this option, you accept full liability for the package once it is delivered, even if it is stolen or misplaced.
Thank you for your understanding and cooperation. If you have any questions, feel free to contact us before placing your order.
Laura RM –
Une solution efficace pour débarasser durablement les poils.
Ayant la peau claire et les poils plutôt foncés, j’ai vérifié les premiers résultats de la 6éme séance.
Au fil des semaines, les poils sont de moins en moins nombreux et poussent de moins en moins vite. Au début, le résultat n’est pas trois homogène (des poils poussent à certains endroits et pas d’autres) de plus en poursuivant le traitement régulièrement, le résultat devient beaucoup plus net. C’est pour moi la meilleure solution que j’ai trouvée jusqu’à maintenant, en tout cas celle que ma peau tolère le mieux. Pas de réaction allergique contrairement à la cire, pas de poils incarnés contrairement aux épilateurs électriques. j’utilise la puissance 8 ou 9 selon les zones. Onne peut pas parler de véritable douleur, seulement d’une sensation d’échauffement à laquelle on s’habitue
Froggy –
Great product for at home use. I am half German and half Nicaraguan so I have a lot of dark body hair. I would get a lot of irritation a couple of days after shaving when my regrowth would come through because of my hairs’ density and coarseness. I’ve been using this for about 4 months now and it has cut my hair in half! I am SO happy! I don’t have a 5 o’clock shadow in my armpits the day after I shave anymore!
Since it’s safe for at home use (and because I have coarse hair) I knew it would take a while to work if it did at all. It does work, though I’m sure a professional laser treatment would be faster. This was doable in my current budget, and I am extremely happy with the results so far. Slow and steady, right?
Philou –
En achetant ce produit je ne m’attendais pas à autant de résultat. Au bout de 6 séances, je n’ai pratiquement plus de poils au niveau des aisselles! c’est moins flagrant au niveau des jambes mais il est difficile de savoir où on est passé. On remarque quand même une forte diminution des poils. Le maillot c’est la même chose, il reste des poils aux endroits où j’ai du ne pas passer mais après 7 séances je constate une nette diminution. Après la première séance, il faut attendre 10jours avant de voir les premiers poils tomber.
JoyC –
I used the laser on my stomach. The hair is gone! I love it! There was no pain, easy to use and no more ingrown hairs or itching caused with the razors.
The ice effect is amazing 😻
Vicenza B –
I’m of Italian and German descent, but I really have the dark, coarse Italian body hair thing going on. I also have PCOS, and as a result I have dark hairs on my face. My skin is quite pale (German), and those dark hairs show up big time. I have been using this for about 6 weeks on my face and underarms, and I definitely notice a difference. The hair under my arms is already much finer, and that hair was super coarse! As for my face, those hairs on my “sideburn”, chin, neck, and upper lip are a ton finer as well. I’ve also noticed that if I tweeze a hair in a treated area, the hair doesn’t seem to “hold” on at all. Some of them were so stubborn to pull out, but not any more. I am so amazed/happy/shocked that this thing really works! I was kind of skeptical because what I wanted to treat is so coarse, but it really does work. OH, and as for pain, the ice cool effect is amazing. I always use it on the highest setting (10).
Soussan –
Avant j’étais une adepte de l’epilateur électrique, mais c’était douloureux et les résultats ne diraient pas plus de 15 jours.
J’ai donc commencé à réfléchir à une solution plus durable pour gagner du temps et du confort.
L’appareil est très facile à utiliser.
J’ai commencé par les aisselles puis les jambes.
Au niveau des aisselles on commence à voir des résultats au bout de la quatrième séance, les poils sont plus fins et les repousses sont irrégulières.
Quant aux jambes les résultats sont plus rapides, les repousses sont très lentes et par zone.
Je suis vraiment conquise par le produit et vu que le temps de traitement est très court c’est un vrai jeu d’enfants contrairement aux méthodes classiques.
Carmen –
Soy mitad española y mitad senegalesa, mi piel es morena. He utilizado el laser para depilar la zona de vagina y ano con buenos resultados. Duele un poco, pero gracias al efecto hielo se soporta muy bien. 🖤
Paloma –
Trop contente. L’appareil est facile à utiliser, efficace je suis ravie.
Lulu –
Après plus de six mois d’utilisation je suis convaincue !! Fais très bien son job ! Casi plus de poils sur les jambes et les rares qui repoussent sont très fin ! Je pense ne devoir l’utiliser que 1 ou 2 fois par an maintenant ! Très satisfaite !
Blazeer –
I’m an asian mom in her early thirties. Having NOT inherited the almost hair-free skin of most of my female asian friends, I have ALWAYS wanted to get laser hair removal. When I first looked into laser hair removal, it was thousands and thousands of dollars. Since I don’t have extra paychecks (multiple ones at that) to spend on ridding my body of excess hair, I was ECSTATIC when i found the Elos Me-Candela at-home version of professional laser hair removal. I’ve tackled multiple locatios on my body. After 6 sessions on my legs, i think this is the greatest little device ever. Wherever i’ve zapped myself, the hairs are no longer there. Since I got pregnant in late 2021, October 2021 was the last time I treated myself and those spots on my legs have remained HAIRLESS. Totally smooth. I don’t miss the constant shaving & waxing that I had to do one bit!
Tammy –
I m a young woman, I was inhibited by a bikini line that defied razors, depilatories, waxing, etc. I could not afford laser treatment in an office setting, so when I saw this at-home system I was skeptical. I must say that this is the first time in adulthood that I am freed from the embarrassment and inconvience of razor bumps, and regrowth that traditional methods of hair removal caused. I began this spring using this hair removal system, and my hair regrowth is very minimal. I assume that in the eight month time frame, I will be hair free. My skin in smooth, and I am free to enjoy swimming again now that my problem is no longer an issue. I love this product.
Catherine –
J’avais fait plusieurs séances en institut il y a quelques années et malheureusement, une partie des poils repousse. Pour ne pas dépenser à nouveau une petite fortune, j’ai investi dans cet appareil. Après 5 séances ( 1x semqine) sous les aisselles et malgré une épilation à la cire récente, je n’ai presque plus de poils, je dirai 5 %. Sur le visage, nette amélioration et je me réjouis de recommencer les traitements. Je ne regrette pas mon achat. Je l’utilise en force 5 sur tout le corps et à part un picotement, rien à signaler.
Jolie –
I am a licensed cosmetologist, and have been removing hair on my customers for 20 years and myself for just about my whole life LOL I contemplated about buying this for a year, and when my facial hair kept getting darker and thicker I decided to take the plunge. The cost kept me away but I figured life without facial hair would be priceless! So when I got it I read the instructions and it stated to do it once a week, but I do consider my facial hair worse than most peoples, and I do not have sensitive skin, so I use it a couple times a day. The dark hair on my chin is gone, most of my mustache is gone, and now I am working on my sideburns. It only hurts a little bit on the dark thick hair, the ice effect is really good.
Abdulaziz –
Recommended, I have bought 2 of them. Thanks a bunch.
Sue.M –
Surprised on how good it works. I use it for my chin and belly button area. I am satisfied with the results I’ve seen in a short amount of time. It is slowing the hair growth and making me less self conscious!
Laura –
Soy de Madrid y el envío ha demorado sólo dos días. La máquina es muy sólida y moderna. El modo de disparo automático es súper cómodo.
Fofo –
Produit tester sur jambes et bras. Effet retard de la pousse des poils remarqué. Seulement 4 séances au niveau 5. Capteur ultra sensible donc zero risque de projection du rayon lumineux du laser. Celui ci ne fonctionne que si les deux ergo touche la peau.
A voir sur le long terme. En étant rigoureux sur les cycles du poils.
Kerrie –
Just after 3 uses I can tell my hair growth has slowed substantially. I’m excited for the future using this product. the freeze function is amazing.
Shannon –
To preface, I’m going to be updating my review as time goes by. I don’t want to wait until the 6 month mark to post my final thoughts on the product, because I’m worried I’ll forget small details of early usage, and because I feel like even if I don’t have a final “does this work?” verdict, I think I can still offer some useful information.
General first impressions: This thing is surprisingly heavy. Not that it’s straining to hold, but I actually take it as a good sign. This isn’t just a cheap hunk of plastic, there’s actually something going on inside.
Before every use, you need to clean, shave, and dry the area. And that’s something I really love about this product. My current preferred method of hair removal in the summer is epilating (many tweezers plucking out the hair from the root), and the real problem with that (and waxing) is that you need to allow the hair to grow out to a considerable length, and having to be hairy for the sake of hair removal is just stupid and it sucks. But this product allows you to continue shaving! However, a couple things to mention regarding this:
First treatment, complete. I’ve done my face and one armpit. I’m going to hold off on doing the other pit for the sake of seeing how well this actually works. I was very surprised to find that is actually didn’t hurt at all. I did a couple zaps on the lower settings, but felt absolutely nothing, so I cranked it up to full blast and got what felt like a warm to hot static electricity zap. Every few zaps would be slightly uncomfortable, but that totally changes if you turn on freeze mode. It’s easy to use and incredibly quick. I anticipate the legs to take a lot longer, but I don’t expect it to be as tedious as epilating has been. The nicest thing about this is that the hair doesn’t immediately fall out, so you can safely use this on the couch or in bed watching a movie or something. You don’t need to pluck yourself down on a cold metal foldy chair over tiled floor for easy clean up, because there is NO clean up. I noticed while doing my face, the areas where I know I have denser hair growth were the more uncomfortable zaps. So I’m inclined to believe it’s working, if I can actually feel it getting to the root of a cluster of hairs.
Ninna –
I’ve had dark facial hair since I was young- in fifth grade a classmate told me I had a man’s mustache which I promptly went home and shaved. And so it began…
By the time I hit forty, dealing with hair removal was a daily or twice daily routine and I never let anyone- including my husband- touch my chin. Over the years I had tried electrolysis, and gotten a few Groupons for laser but couldn’t justify the expense to keep going back for months. Words cannot describe how self conscious I was about it 🙁 I had tweezers everywhere. I got tested to see if I had a hormone imbalance or anything else that might be causing all the hair growth. Nope- just genetic. The doctor offered $100/month prescription cream to keep it from growing, but cautioned that if I stopped using it everything would come right back. I don’t like weird chemicals so I turned it down.
Last spring I was working out, and in the natural daylight coming in the windows I noticed that it looked like I had dark smudges on the side of my face. The growth on my face had gotten so dense and coarse that I had a permanent five o’clock shadow. I was horrified. After researching the best at home lasers I was down to the Elos Me wich is suitable for lighter hair. The hair on my head is light brown, or dark blond, but the hair on my body is mostly dark with a few blondes and reds mixed in. I wasn’t sure if it was too light for the Elos Me tech.
I ended up going for this one and it has totally worked for me! The dark smudges are gone and I don’t even think about my facial hair anymore. My husband touches my chin now and it’s fine with me! I’ve started using it on my underarms and other places as well, and have seen great results in each place.
As other reviewers have mentioned- it does not hurts thanks to the freezing mode. I have seen the best results on a level ten.
If your story is anything like mine- go for it. It’s an expenditure for sure, but it could change your life, too!
Liv –
Yeah, this is one of the best purchases I’ve made in a good long while.
Twas just a youngin when some ominous black bois started sprouting on the thing known as my face. Wasn’t long till it was practically a forest, with the capital laying root squarely on ye olde chin.
A forest that needed chopped down on the daily regular, as each morning brought a whole tangle of new spiky black growth. Did not like.
It’s been 3 months since we got this.
I and various other minions of my household have been using it EVERY week on pretty much every patch of skin you can imagine.
Face. Pits. Arms. Legs. Stomachs.
The hair reduction has been dramatic in all areas, and we’re not even reached the 4 month mark.
It is amazing how our black bois have been laid to waste. I NOW HAVE A CHIN AKIN TO A BABY’S BOTTOM. They just fall out and never grow back – spits on their grave –
10/10 would recommend
Price wise, worth it. On my chin alone, I’ve done over 12 sessions. Which, we checked, is worth about $880 worth of sessions at our local derm office.
And that’s just one part of one person— we got 5 home skillets using this guy on way more than one individual part.
As a pasty white, dark haired flesh monster, using it once a week at 6/8 has worked extremely well. The haigher is the level power, the better works.
And lord have mercy— don’t use it on skin that had a tattoo. One of the squad was mindlessly doing her arm when she accidentally hit her wrist tattoo and got cooked medium rare. Don’t be her.
But yeah— It’s definitely worth it.
If this guy ever breaks, I’d clamor to get another.
ALex –
J’étais un peu cynique sur ce produit quand je l’ai acheté pour la première fois, mais j’en avais marre de me raser constamment et cherchais une solution à plus long terme. J’ai acheté cette IPL et j’ai décidé de l’essayer sur mes jambes pour tester comment cela fonctionne et m’habituer à la machine. Après 2 mois de rasage et de l’utiliser une fois par semaine, ma repousse de cheveux s’est ralentie, et sur beaucoup de mes jambes, aucun cheveu ne pousse du tout maintenant ! Les poils qui repoussent dans certaines régions sont beaucoup plus légers et plus doux. Je suis vraiment heureux d’avoir investi dans ce produit et j’espère que la repousse ralentit de plus en plus avec les utilisations futures. Recommander définitivement ce produit.
Ebone –
J’avais l’ancien model ( qui m’a duré 11ans j’espère que celui ci en fera autant).
Nickel, simple d’utilisation, mode automatique idéal pour les jambes. L’effet de glace et l’adaptateur pour une utilisation faciale fantastique.
Lola –
Ok so I was extremely hesitant to buy this initially because of how expensive it is.
My skin is very fair and my hair is a medium brown.
I sat on my bed and tried to build up the courage for about 1 hour only to discover it, thanks to the freezing mode, was virtually painless compared to; professional laser, waxing, and epilating. I used no numbing cream and started at level 10 because I didn’t want to waste my money. I can honestly say I felt minimal pain. However, I know a friend personally who said it was painful for her…her skin is dark so perhaps that is the difference? (As the laser targets pigment??) Guessing. But I’d say it wasn’t painful at all.
As far as results, I did not see any after the first two treatments, then around treatment 6 I noticed a drastic difference…I don’t know why this would be but it’s just how it happened for me.
I went over each area twice per session…not advising you do this….but it worked for me as I figured I was feeling no pain and professional laser is much more powerful so I didn’t think it could hurt.
I also used white eyeliner to mark small areas so I could treat every area properly (this really helps).
I would say I’m definitely pleased with my results so far…going on to treatment 6 this weekend.
May need more than 8 treatments to have full results…but I’m still happy with it.
This is my honest opinion and I was not sent this product or anything free in exchange for my review.
joshua –
When I was a kid I fantasized that such a project would come into existence.
I’ve done professional hair removal for years – before the days of (credible) laser spas, when you could only go to a certified dermatologist to perform the service. I’ve recently resumed laser hair removal at the LaserAway franchise – which has been great, but I find I really to need to haggle with the technicians to make sure they are covering every square inch that I want.
I’ve only used it once, but at a level 10, or even a level 8 in sensitive areas, I was FEELING it – in the best way. Indicates to me that this isn’t a loosy goosby product, but it’s actually going to work.
BB –
After trying a cheaper laser hair remover from Costco I returned it. This laser is amazing in comparison. I tried it on my legs a few times before going on vacation and felt like there was less stuble to shave. I also used it in my armpits and noticed less hair growth there as well. I’ve had professional hair removal before and recognized that zap feeling. Great buy if you compare it to the thousands you could spend on professional laser hair removal.
Cindy L –
I never write reviews, but I must on this product. I have tried everything to help with razor burn and red bumps. Lotions, creams, shave gels, different razors and medications! Nothing worked for me! I have been using the laser for 8 weeks, AND I LOVE IT!! It really does work. Already, I am noticing less growth and zero irritation. I am so thankful that I invested the money in this product!!
Derek –
Nice modern design with a wonderful LCD screen. Functions that no other laser brings::
– Freeze mode to not feel the laser
– Precision unit for facial use
– Mode for automatic pulses
– Mode for skin rejuvenation
Just an awesome product! Had hair from menopause changes all over my face, chin and neck, was really bad, did not know what I was going to do. In 3 months with weekly treatments on highest setting, all hair is gone! Life changing product. Well worth the money. Spa quality product at a fraction of the cost of treatment in a spa. Going to treat other areas as well!
Victoria Sparkman –
So glad I bought this. I have been using it for months now. Mainly on my legs. It has decreased the hair dramatically. I still do touch-ups and all the hair is not gone but its way better.
I have very light skin, so even when I shaved my legs, you could still see the hair under the skin. I am halfway through my treatment, and I have seen an amazing difference. The hair on my legs is finer and grows back more slowly… no more prickly legs a few hours after I shave. I’m excited to complete the treatments.
Mam´s –
Cet épilateur est parfait. Je l’ai testé sur plusieurs semaines c’est donc un avis avec du recul.
L’efficacité est réelle, la perte de poil est visible, mais ça ne sera jamais parfait cependant.
J’ai une peau très claire et la chaleur me fait rougir facilement, ce que je n’ai évidemment pas avec un épilateur arrache poil classique.
Conseil également pour les grains de beauté, je les colore avec du crayon blanc comme ça pas de soucis de brûlure
Je ne peux que recommander au vu des résultats.
Elizabeth –
very happy with the product. painless, even at highest setting thanks to the freeze function. easy to use with no problems. no skin irritation. just started using it so will await results. so far so good.
tina –
Hi. I only got a chance to use this on my bikini line three times and it made a remarkable diffrence already, and my hair is thick to begin with, what bit of hair is still there is also finer to say the least
i need to get with it and finish the treatments but in the mean time i could not be happier after all the years of shaving and epilating and the pain from just the thick hair pulling on my skin under pants and shorts
not to say the least about insensitive people staring and making comments because their so PERFECT.
thank you Lescolton, you are really a life saver
Best investment ever, now i have a product that has taken care of all the unwanted hair and given me softer smother skin at the same time.
Marcia –
When I purchased this system I wondered if it would work for me or not. I have tons of hair, even in one folicle I can have as much as three hairs growing out at a time. Today, eight months later I say that about 80% -90%of my hair is gone. I am highly impressed with the system. Thank you elosme tech!
Lily –
I’m not a impulse buyer. I stared at this thing for like 6 months going back and forth on whether to give it a chance. Finally I bught it. I ONLY have been using this laser on my underarms and bikini. I constantly have ingrown hairs and am uncomfortable in these two regions thanks to my hair but cant really afford professional laser. Waxing is expensive because my hair grows back within a week or less, and shaving every night works, but makes it look ugly and I can already see hair again in 12 hours or less.
So I bought the Elos Me, followed instructions, started use it the same day I got it. I am a believer of actual results so I only did it on one side of my bikini line 👙👙👙. I wanted to see actual differences. Thankfully it has passed its trial! So to use it I use the unit in the Ice Effect mode (It doesn’t hurt in this mode of use). I use it on the 10 setting. I’ve used it probably.. 8 or 10 times now in the eight week period I’ve had it. I didn’t really notice a change until one night I went to go shave my bikini and… there was almost no hair on one side of my bikini line. No not all the hair is gone but most of it is and what is there is fine and takes a while to grow. So overall recommendation is yes.
Sue Jones –
I’ll spare you come details, but the bottom line is this machine works as it should. Note, if you’re using it on any setting below 9, you will not see the best results. That said, anywhere on my body where I’ve used this at setting 10 has resulted in significantly less hair growth. I highlight the mode of use in cooling, it is fantastic. It is well worth the money considering that the unit is also suitable for skin rejuvenation treatment in addition to permanent hair removal.
Marian –
I have dark skin and bought this machine after reading many reviews about laser hair removal at home. I am a lawyer, and because of my work I do not have much free time to treat myself in a salon. This machine is extremely easy to use. I tried on my bikini line and underarm. Level 4-5 I don’t feel anything so I went 6-7 and I could feel the device working. Conclusion: It works amazingly, I used it for about three months and I can see the results in my bikini line, some parts with very thick hair are now hairless. Elos rocks me, yeah! So go ahead and give it a try. Draw your own conclusions and enjoy the results.
Netvoyodelo –
I am a sucker for the latest and greatest expensive beauty product, though most of the time they end up in a drawer as they either don’t work for me or are too time consuming to use. I’ve been very happy that my experience with this device has been the complete opposite – I’m 8 weeks in and it has worked even better than I’d hoped.
First of all, I’m the ideal candidate – I have pale skin and dark, fast growing hair. I would say I have a medium pain tolerance. I’ve gotten laser for broken capillaries on my face at my dermatologist, and even with the numbing cream that is far more painful than this IPL device. I was a little nervous the first time I used it, but I use it on the highest setting and really it only feels mildly uncomfortable at worst thanks to the freezing system, or like a small rubber band snapping. I’ve done my legs, underarms, and bikini area. 8 weeks in, other than a few stray hairs my legs are completely hairless and I have no need to shave between treatments. My underarms have significantly reduced hair growth, though I maybe have to shave twice a week. Prior to using this device, I was shaving both daily in the summer. As mentioned, I’m also using this in the bikini area. When I shave my bikini area, I get terrible razor burn and ingrown hairs. That made starting difficult, since you’re not supposed to use this device on an area that’s inflamed. What I decided to do was to use Nair before my first few treatments. Now, with reduced hair growth, I’m able to shave the small amount of remaining hair before my weekly treatment without any razor burn or ingrowns.
As for tips for use, I found this easy and comfortable to use, especially the automatic pulse mode. For the best results, as mentioned I use on the highest level and make sure to hold it so that it gets the best contact with my skin, which was a bit of a learning curve. I do wear sunglasses while I’m using it, as I find I do need to look at the device to ensure I’ve got the best skin contact as I’m gliding it up my leg. I do have some freckles and don’t have any issue using this over them, but I do avoid two moles on my ankle and bikini line out of an abundance of caution.
As for pain, again, I don’t find this bad at all. The pulse just feels slightly uncomfortably warm thanks the ice rffect system. The bikini area is obviously the most uncomfortable as there is is the occasional zap feeling, but it’s over quickly and still way less painful than waxing.
Arya –
This device works great! It is IPL, miniaturized. It’s not even painful. Eye protection isn’t even required, just look as away as you zap. If you prep the area correctly, you will definitely see results. You can FEEL it zapping away, which is great so I can have feedback on where I need to focus on! It’s not painful, just a slight jolt. Because I have experience with IPL, I know how to prep the area, and know what techniques to use in what areas, etc. Unfortunately, some users may not have that experience.
Prepping the area is the key to good results. If blasting the underarm, wash the area well and remove any traces of deodorant. So use SOAP, twice if you have to. Better yet, have a long shower before you do start blasting.
If you have long hair, it will not end well. Use the razor every time. If it’s not sharp anymore, buy a refill. Avoid any dark marks. If an area is bleeding, avoid it and go over it next time. If you have ingrown hair, exfoliate often. And use tweezers to remove those suckers. It will bleed at first but when it heals, you can blast that hair away.
If you have a darker skin tone and it hurts, try a lower setting. You might be getting burnt. You should feel ZAPS, not a burning sensation. If you do, the setting is too high.
If you are sensitive to the zapping, use the stamp method the first few times so your skin gets used to it. Then increase the setting as desired. If there is an area that is darker than the rest, it WILL hurt more, so use a lower setting. Use the device regularly once a week on the same day, and don’t forget to prep the area. After a session, if you are sensitive, use an aloe-based gel to soothe. No alcohol please. No deodorant for the day. 2 days later, exfoliate.
Hopefully these tips make your hair removal journey a success!
PerkyRachel –
Good Results! As someone who had doubts due to my previous experience with professional laser hair removal, I was pleasantly surprised by the effectiveness of the machine. Over the years, I struggled with coarse, thick hair on my chin and neck, resorting to constant waxing. However, after just three months of sessions, I have experienced complete resolution! Encouraged by this success, I have also begun using it on my underarms, and although the results aren’t fully complete yet, I’ve already noticed a significant reduction in hair growth.
Cheryl –
This product is amazing. I bought it to help with some annoying chin hairs and I have been using on it on my face, underarms,legs and bikini area, it’s been 2 months of using it once a week with 2 passes and it really works. I have a lot less hair (not that I was a wildabeast to begin with haha). just make sure you don’t pluck or wax the hairs, you must shave them and leave the root so the laser can get rid of it. Don’t laser ingrown hair or it will be stuck under the skin. It does hurt a little in certain areas if you don´t use the freez mode. I’m so glad I bought it! I paid for professional laser hair removal many years ago for thousands of dollars. no hair removal is permanent, once you finish the 3 months of weekly treatments they recommend once a month. I have noticed this helps with skin discoloration as well which is an added bonus! This is a great deal considering you treat many areas. Please do not use product without eye protection. Happy hair removal!
Jsull –
Easy to use. Good value for the price
Lu –
AFTER ONE YEAR: Wow. I haven’t seen a hair for months. Legs and bikini were a bit more stubborn and the first 12-16 weeks are a bit tedious (can be hard to tell if you’ve missed a patch) but keep going and it’ll be worth it! Thanks Lescolton by Elos Me Time will be the test of this, but 3 weeks in and I’m stunned by the results already. I feel I have slightly tanned skin and blonde/brown hair colour and I’ve noticed a significant reduction of hair on my legs. Thicker areas have been slower to respond, but there is a difference. I can’t wait for a few more weeks! Pain wise I would say is almost unnoticeable most of the time. Feels slightly warm, as though you’ve touched a hot cup of tea, but perfectly manageable without any pain relief. The flashes can be bright, but I haven’t noticed any effect to my eyes, just be careful to not stare at it the whole time. The device is so so easy and so so quick to use, I quickly adapted technique and now turn it longways up my shins as that tends to be the hardest area, but the two settings help cover all areas. It’s great, I’m shocked and I can’t wait for a few more weeks to see the results.
Jeremy P –
It was what i expected… I have quite a few spots where the hair is completely gone… I would say i have about 90 to 95% removed… painful but worth it honey!!!
Claudia C –
I bought this product as a gift for a family member, and they’re extremely satisfied with the results. They highly recommend it!
I have to admit, I was skeptical at first, but this device truly surprised me! After using it just 10 times, I noticed a remarkable slowdown in my armpit hair growth. It’s been a game-changer, saving me from the hassle and expense of my monthly waxing appointments. In the long term, it’s proven to be a worthwhile investment. I couldn’t be happier with the results!
0 Pain –
My skin has always been more sensitive, and it felt very hot and skin turns red with the Laser hair removal treatment. I just tried it on my armpit and it felt really cool and it felt really good. No redness or pain in my armpit. I love it!
Jasmine T –
Hi everyone. I’m a 24-year-old black woman and I recently decided to give this machine a try for grooming sensitive areas, including the bikini line and anal region. I was a bit nervous at first, but I found that using the lowest power setting made it comfortable to use in these areas. The device is user-friendly and the instructions are concise, which I appreciated.
Before making my purchase, I did some research and discovered that this device is safe for use on sensitive skin and suitable for all skin tones, including black skin. I also reached out to their customer service team and they confirmed its compatibility with different skin types. Overall, I’m really pleased with my decision to try laser hair removal.💋
Diego Martinez –
I’m a guy from Miami who spends a lot of time outdoors. I have been using the machine on my chest and legs and I am really pleased with the results. Plus, I don’t have to worry about the sun since the machine can be used anytime. I have tattoos so I have been wearing tattoo covers during treatment to protect them. The machine is easy to use and painless, it cools the skin very well to relieve any discomfort. I highly recommend it!
Y’all, let me share my experience with the Lescolton Ice Effect II powered by Elos Me. I’ve found it to be mighty versatile, y’know, ’cause it can handle both permanent hair removal and skin rejuvenation. What really makes it stand out is that it comes with a facial treatment adapter, making it a breeze to target those specific areas. All in all, I’m pretty pleased with how well it works and how easy it is to use.
Isabella –
I’m very happy with the machine because not only does it give me the permanent hair removal I wanted, but it also helps improve my skin with its dual function. The freezing system of the lamp really helps reduce any discomfort, especially for darker skin tones like mine. I’ve done my entire bikini area, and everything went perfectly. Elos Me’s service is also good; I had an issue with the machine, and they replaced it quickly.
Amy –
Honestly, this is the best thing I’ve ever bought! At 31 years old, I have been aware of my dark, rapidly growing body hair since I was 11 and have always been frustrated with the shaving process, leaving me with a rash and unstable skin, to grow my hair back. honestly 12 later! I rarely took my legs out in the sun because I hated my rashy, pointy legs! I have tried epilators, creams and other things over the years and nothing has worked. I have had 2 laser hair removal consultations in clinics but could never justify the cost. I once paid just for my underarms and never got the results in 12 weeks than I did with this wonderful little machine after just 6 weeks! After just 8 sessions, I noticed my hair was growing back significantly finer, softer and much less, and there were areas that were not growing back! I have already had 12 sessions and I am surprised with the results! I can’t shave for a week and I feel amazing; It may not be a big deal to some people, but having my legs still soft after 7 days is a dream! It’s incredibly easy to use and fast. I’m so excited to see my results in another 6 weeks! This has honestly changed my life and I couldn’t be happier. A perfect find before my wedding in 7 months where I will be hair free and confident!
Penelope –
I was considering buying this for a while but wasn’t sure whether I spend such money on something that I’m not sure will work for me. I struggled for a very long time with in-grown hair and marks on my legs . After using this product , I can definitely say it works and it’s worth for every penny. Also a lot cheaper than getting it done in a salon.I am so pleased with this. Followed the instructions and now have no underarm hair. Easy to use and I am so pleased with results. Would recommended!💋💋💋
Claire –
The machine is easy to handle, which is personally important to me. What I like most is that it comes with an accessory designed for facial use, providing greater precision and support around the chin area.